
mplayer frontend forked from

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  ---== mcplayer ==---
  music console player 
    mmxxii edition 
  ---== ------- ===---



    play is a curses front-end for various audio players, based on
    cplay. It aims to provide a power-user-friendly interface with
    simple filelist and playlist control. play is written in
    Python and can use either pyncurses or the standard curses


    play [-nrRv] [ file | dir | playlist | url ] ...

    When in doubt, press 'h' for a friendly help page.

Keyboard controls:

    Global                               t, T  : tag current/regex
    ------                               u, U  : untag current/regex
    Up, Down, k, j, C-p, C-n,            Sp, i : invert current/all
    PgUp, PgDn, K, J,                    !, ,  : shell, macro
    Home, End, g, G : movement
    Enter           : chdir or play      Filelist
    Tab             : filelist/playlist  --------
    n, p            : next/prev track    a     : add (tagged) to playlist
    z, x            : toggle pause/stop  s     : recursive search
                                         BS, o : goto parent/specified dir
    Left, Right,                         m, '  : set/get bookmark
    C-f, C-b    : seek forward/backward
    C-a, C-e    : restart/end track      Playlist
    C-s, C-r, / : isearch                --------
    C-g, Esc    : cancel                 d, D  : delete (tagged) tracks/playlist
    1..9, +, -  : volume control         m, M  : move tagged tracks after/before
    c, v        : counter/volume mode    r, R  : toggle repeat/Random mode
    <, >        : horizontal scrolling   s, S  : shuffle/Sort playlist
    C-l, l      : refresh, list mode     w, @  : write playlist, jump to active
    h, q, Q     : help, quit?, Quit!     X     : stop playlist after each track


    In order for either mp3info (ID3) or ogginfo to work, both
    corresponding python modules have to be installed. Play can
    use 'id3-py' or 'pyid3lib' for MP3 tags, and 'pyvorbis' for
    OGG tags.

    A playlist can contain URLs, but the playlist itself will have
    to be local. For mpeg streaming use splay or mplayer.

    It is also possible to pipe a playlist to play, as stdin will
    be reopened on startup unless it is attached to a tty.

    Remote control is available through /tmp/play-control-$USER.


    play is being maintained by Adrian C. After waiting over 2
    years for cplay's home, and code, to resurface it was finally
    forked. This exceptional software, originally written by Ulf
    Betlehem, should not be forgotten.

    MPlayer support was added to play from the excellent work done
    by Tom Adams and Tomi Pievilainen on

    I basically just ripped it from
    and modified it and put it on my github for convenience. I got tired
    of it not working the way I wanted it to. That is using only mplayer
    and then maybe to add gif/jpeg support again which I had working in
    a copy somewhere .... no credit to me what so ever.

    20220115 Some basic conversion to python3 has been done. I tested
    just several functions on Python 3.7. It does read the directory,
    it does play the m3u. More testing to be done. (dev@null)